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Officer Staff

The Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) Branch consists of approximately 7,500 officers whose primary duty is the safety, supervision, administration and training of Royal Canadian Sea, Army, and Air Cadets. The Branch is the largest single group within the Canadian Forces reserve force subcomponent Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS) and is the largest officer branch in the Canadian Forces.The COATS subcomponent of the Reserve Force employs members from all branches and occupations of the Royal Canadian NavyCanadian Army, and Royal Canadian Air Force of the Canadian Forces.

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2022 - 2023 Staff.JPG

Captain Attwood

Commanding Officer

Capt Attwood is the primary supervising officer for 746 and keeps the connection between Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific), the Sponsoring Committee, Officers, and the Cadets.


Captain White, CD

Deputy Commanding Officer


Lieutenant(Navy) Chidlow, CD

Administration Officer

Lt(N) Chidlow is responsible for maintaining cadet personnel records with regards to attendance, collecting health information records and personal information. She is also responsible for the registration of new cadets.


Captain Groome, CD

Supply Officer

Capt Groome is responsible for issuing informs and material management for the Sqn. Capt Groome is also the Sqn Marksmanship Coach.


Captain Gandouin

Aviation Officer

Capt Gandouin oversees the Aviation training and Fam flying activities for the Squadron. He is also responsible for the organization of the ACNSTC process at the squadron level. As well, Capt Gandouin organizes senior NCO promotions, Merit Review Boards


Lieutenant B Foster

Training Officer

Lt Foster is the officer in charge of all Thursday night training nights and mandatory training here at our squadron.


Lieutenant O'Neill

Training Support Officer

Lieutenant O'Neill is the officer is responsible for organizing weekend and non-mandatory training activities.


Second Lieutenant Dickson

Professional Development

2 Lt Dickson oversees the professional development of the squadron. His primary responsibility is in the development senior NCOs. As well, OCdt Dickson oversees the Squadon Flag Party and Drill Team


Officer Cadet D Foster

Assistant Administration Officer

OCdt Foster assists with maintaining cadet personnel records with regards to attendance, collecting health information records and personal information. He also assists with the registration of new cadets. CV Foster holds a commercial pilots license and teaches our squadrons weekly Ground School class. He will also be one of the pilots flying cadets on their familiarization flights in the spring.


Private Becker

Public Affairs

Private Becker is responsible for all postings on our official sites and social media accounts. As well as this, she oversees both the First Aid Team and the Effective Speaking program.


CI Adams

Standards Officer


CV Fryer

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