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Drill on the March

Squad Drill on the March without Arms

Pace Length and Cadence
The standard lengths of pace are:

  1. quick and slow time – 75 cm;

  2. stepping out in quick and slow time – 85 cm;

  3. stepping short in quick time and slow time – 55 cm;

  4. double time – 1 m;

  5. half pace in quick time (used for marching

  6. forward and back three paces or less – 35 cm; and

  7. side pace – 25 cm.


When marching the cadence is:

  1. in quick time, 120 paces per minute;

  2. in slow time, 60 paces per minute; and

  3. in double time, 180 paces per minute.

Words of Command
Except for certain commands used in sentry drill, all commands to commence marching are given when personnel are at the position of attention.

On the march, executive commands are given as the foot, specified in the adjacent list, is forward and on the ground, unless otherwise directed

Marching and Halting in Quick Time
On the command QUICK MARCH BY NUMBERS, SQUAD – ONE, squad members shall:

  1. shoot the left foot forward one half pace, toe up;

  2. strike the heel on the ground first and keep the toe pointed directly forward;

  3. simultaneously, swing the right arm straight forward and the left arm straight to the rear, waist high.


On the command SQUAD – TWO, squad members shall:

  1. continue marching with subsequent paces of standard length;

  2. bring the legs forward successively in a straight line;

  3. swing the arms forward successively in a straight line from the shoulder, front to rear, with hands closed as in the position of attention; and

  4. maintain dressing by the directing flank

Word of Command
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